Are you moving from Atlanta to Athens? Here is a way to save on your relocation.
If you are moving within the state and don't mind driving, you can easily rent a moving truck and drive your stuff from point "A" to point "B" and save a lot on your move. Don't worry, you do not have to load & unload the stuff yourself - just drive and hire moving helpers to take care of the heavy-lifting. You can find Georgia moving helpers easily!
ATL to Athens, GA
If you are moving from Atlanta, GA to Athens, GA, you know its roughly a 1.5hr - 2 hrs drive. Hiring a moving company in Atlanta, GA may be out of the budget for some people, so another moving solution may be needed. Here goes a good alternative way!
A 16ft rental truck from Atlanta, GA to Athens, GA is around $80, with a 1 day rental and 84 miles included, according to a quote we got from Budget® Truck Rental, the cheaper rental option. (See Budget Truck Rental)
*Quote was for a 16ft truck from 30303 (Atlanta, GA) to 30603 (Athens, GA) on April 29th for a 1 day rental. Compared to the other rental truck company which quoted $115 for a 15ft truck.
With a rental truck, you will also have to keep in mind the fuel cost. Here is an equation to help get an estimate on fuel cost. Miles ÷ MPG x Gas Price = Minimum Fuel Cost. A 16ft Budget Truck can get from 6-10 miles per gallon.
(Source: UPack© Rental Truck Fuel Estimator)
Movers for Labor Only
$80 + gas for transporting your stuff from Atlanta, GA to Athen, GA - now it's time to get a quote for rental truck loading services in Atlanta. You can get two movers for two hours of services for $170. A 16ft truck can take between 2-3 hours to load, depending on the distance the truck is from the house, and how many boxes you need the guys to load.
Unloading in Athens, GA will be a breeze. Unloading a truck usually goes by a lot faster than loading. A reliable team for moving labor services in Athens, GA is A Touch Above Moving & Cleaning LLC. They have been in service for over a decade and have thousands of labor only moves under their belt. They charge $220 or two hours of services.
Moving for Less Than $600
$80(Truck) + $170 (Atlanta movers) + $220 (Athens movers) is $470, plus fuel - a move from Atlanta to Athens can be done for less than $600 if you rent a truck, hire movers for labor only and use your fuel wisely.