We plan on making some fundamental changes to our platform. Here are 3 changes that will set us apart from other websites that are a moving help marketplace.
Listing Fee
Unlike most sites, we are not free. Movers wanting to get listed will be required to pay a $15 registration fee. We are not looking to enroll just anyone, we are focusing on crews with experience & an online history.
Customer's can contact you directly
We will add a button giving potential clients the option of calling you directly. Unlike a majority of the moving help websites, we will give those interested in your services the option of contacting you directly - before they decided to book.
Subscription based premium services
A company can pay $15 to get listed on our site, but to really stand out, we will give companies the option of getting extra attention drawn to their listing for an additional fee. We are currently working on a subscription based featured service that will allow companies to get mentioned by us, by email or phone, whenever a customer requests a quote in their area.
We know from over a decade of experience the power of a mention or a recommendation. In the past, we use to promote individual profiles. Movers were loving the multiple bookings a day. Unfortunately, due to our growth and change in business model, we cannot do this for every account. Nothing personal, just business.
We do not have an exact launch date for the new changes. But please be advised, New Changes are coming soon!